
Open Problems in Federated Learning and An Approach to Federated Graph Clustering
MENTOR: Prof. Anirban Dasgupta @ IIT Gandhinagar

Explored open issues in FL and proposed a state‑of‑the‑art FL algorithm to handle the problem of federated graph clustering. Used power iteration method that employs a subtle strategy to synchronize the eigenvectors among clients. Tested the proposed power iteration approach on the ego‑facebook and email‑Eu‑core dataset and obtained a similarity of 99.8% and 98.85%, comparable to that of global clustering.

#Federated Learning #Spectral Clustering #Graphs
Implementing VR Environment for Autistic and Stroke patients
MENTOR: Prof. Uttama Lahiri @ IIT Gandhinagar

Developed two virtual reality (VR) environments ‑ A drawing challenge concentrating on children with autism and a football‑themed balance training challenge that focuses on stroke sufferers. Integrated both the environments with the tracker and calibrated the designed environment with the real‑world task.

#Virtual Reality #3D
Analysis of Image Generation using Scenegraph [report]
MENTOR: Prof. Shanmuganathan Raman @ IIT Gandhinagar

Analyzed the pipeline involved in generating an image using scene graphs from textual descriptions of the image. Re‑implemented the process of converting text to a scenegraph and an image to a scenegraph. And then, the generated scenegraphs are passed to a model, which creates an image from the scenegraph. Tested on MSCOCO and Visual Genome dataset using different similarity metrics.

#scene graphs #computer vision #image generation
Geometrical Homogeneous Clustering for Image Data Reduction [report] [presentation]
MENTOR: Prof. Nipun Batra @ IIT Gandhinagar

Proposed a novel approach to reduce an image dataset using a Geometrical Homogenous Clustering(GHCIDR). Acquired an accuracy of 99.35 % and 81.10%, and a training data reduction of 87.27% and 32.34%, on MNIST, and CIFAR10 respectively.

#data reduction #computer vision #homogenous clustering
Twitter Analysis of COVID19 [repository] [presentation]
MENTOR: Prof. Anirban Dasgupta @ IIT Gandhinagar

Analyzed data collected by extracting tweets containing important trending hashtags about the COVID‑19 pandemic using Twitter API ‑ Tweepy. Used various analytical tools such as clustering, text summarization, semantic analysis, and geobased analysis to get specific and useful insights from the tweets.

#twitter analysis #covid19 #data analysis
Snappy ‑ Command line tool for Snapshot Management [repository]
MENTOR: Prof. Nipun Batra @ IIT Gandhinagar

Created a command‑line tool for the Linux file system that supports snapshot management Used traditional split‑mirror‑based approach with some improvisation over the data storage required while creating the copy. Implemented various functionalities to create, delete and manage the snapshots of the directories.

#operating system #snapshot management
MiniWhatsApp [repository]
MENTOR: Prof. Sameer Kulkarni @ IIT Gandhinagar

Implemented a Mini‑WhatsApp tool that supports features such as chatting(individual/group), file sharing, and profile creation. Understood and implemented Peer‑to‑peer communication for the individual chat and concurrent server for group‑chat. Provided an option to see the status of other online users and request for the group chats.

#P2PNetwork #networks #miniwhatsapp