Hey there!

Photo of me. In picture- a person with black, medium length hair, wearing a brick red-grey striped sweater in front of a yellow wall.

I'm Janvi, and I'm currently Software Engineer @ Ocado Technology. I completed my Masters in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Imperial College London. I also hold a B.Tech in Computer Science from IIT Gandhinagar.

Throughout my academic journey, I have had the privilege of making substantial contributions to technology, primarily through research. I take great pride in my personal growth—from a contemplative thinker to a passionate research enthusiast. It's not just about the outcomes but the transformative journey of conducting research that I find most rewarding part of my life.

I am passionate about creating personal AI bots that serve not just as companions but also as immortal personal assistants. My ultimate goal is to make human skills, knowledge, and intellect immortal, preserving and enhancing our capabilities through advanced AI technologies like privacy-preserving federated learning and continual learning. This approach ensures privacy while allowing for the continuous improvement and adaptation of our digital counterparts.

My CV can be found here: CV

You can best reach me by email:

janvi [dot] thakkar [at] alumni [dot] iitgn [dot] ac [dot] in